Website Marketing Quiz

These quizzes are for FUN, but at the same time, you might learn something new about the power of online marketing.

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Welcome to your Website Marketing Quiz

1. Approximately 51% of small businesses have a website.

2. About 80% of traffic is directed through Google.

3. The average click-through rate of a call to action is 4.23%.

4. 58.5% of users judge a business by how their website looks at first glance.

5. 70% of our time is focused on the left side of the webpage.

6. Consistent branding can increase website conversions by 33%.

7. 53% of businesses invest in unique design.

8. 57% of users won’t recommend a company with poor mobile web design.

9. Nearly 60% of people will stop engaging with a slow website. (

10. Conversions drop up to 10% per second of site load time.

11. Users spend 88% more time on web pages with video content.

12. 51% of marketers have increased sales because of video content.

13. Businesses that blog get 67% more leads per month.

14. 64% of readers want a reading time under 6 minutes.

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