Video Marketing Quiz

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Welcome to our Video Marketing Quiz

1. 90% of businesses say that videos boost brand awareness.

2. 78% of businesses agree that videos increase traffic.

3. 24% of people are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it.

4. 85% of businesses use video in marketing, 92% of them consider videos an essential part of their marketing strategy.

5. 66% of people would rather watch a short video about a product or service than read a text.

6. 53% of online activity is watching videos on different platforms.

7. 75% of people watch videos every day.

8. 68% of people watch up-to-1-minute videos till the end.

9. 35% of people skip online video ads.

10. 38% use video advertisements as part of their marketing strategy.

11. 33% create demo videos.

12. 24% of businesses say informative videos perform the best, while 17% find entertaining videos to be the most effective.

13. The 3 most popular types of videos are webinars, demos, and social videos.

14. 54% of people watch explainer videos to understand a product or service better.

15. Users spend up to 88% more time on websites with videos.

16. Including videos in email increases clickthrough rates by up to 100%.

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